Understanding cardholder relationships in the RIW System
The RIW System has been designed around privacy, ensuring the highest level of security is maintained and that permission is sought from a cardholder before their information is shared with other companies. The RIW System Hierarchy ensures a greater focus on privacy and security, meaning system users only have visibility of their privilege level or lower, and cannot search the system for information they don’t have permission to view.
In the RIW System, a cardholder can only have one Primary Employer, up to two Secondary Employers and unlimited associated companies.
A Primary Employer is a cardholder’s direct employer and is responsible for maintaining their RIW profile and annual subscription. A cardholder requires a Primary Employer to have authority to work using their RIW card.
A Secondary Employer supports cardholders who may work for multiple employers, and has limited access to their profile. They can add competencies and job roles to their profile.
An Associated Company has advanced visibility of a cardholder before arriving on site to ensure a cardholder complies with the employer’s work requirements ahead of time. Associated companies can add competencies and job roles to their profile.
Additionally, while a cardholder is swiped into the site, the Contractor in Charge of the site has a temporary, automatic linkage association to the cardholder while they swiped into site, and can add competencies and job roles to their profile.
A Network Operator also has automatic visibility of cardholders who hold their Rail Corridor Access Job Role.
To find out more about relationships, refer to our Knowledge Centre article What are the different types of cardholder relationships in the RIW system?