National Matrix Update
Recently, the National Rail Industry Worker Matrix Committee (NRIWMC) and its Matrix Working
Group have been working on releasing new national matrices. The next four national matrices to be released are the following:
- National Power & Electrical Matrix – released, 8 May 2023
- National Signalling Matrix – to be released, TBC
- National Engineering Matrix – to be released, TBC
- National Project Management Matrix – to be released, TBC
The new roles and matrices will be prioritised and released based on industry demand.
This means that contractors who work for multiple Network Operators, Rail Infrastructure Managers or Rolling Stock Operators will no longer need to undergo repeat training and will gain instant recognition for their qualifications and
health obligations via the
Rail Industry Worker Program across states.
By agreeing on minimum requirements and ensuring consistency across states, this initiative will provide many benefits to industry.
The new
National Power & Electrical Matrix will be the first matrix to be released. It will include the following 4 national roles in the initial
- Traction Overhead Lineworker – National (In-training)
- Traction Overhead Lineworker – National
- Distribution Overhead Lineworker – National (In-training)
- Distribution Overhead Lineworker – National
The next area of focus will be substation roles which will be included in the second National Power & Electrical Matrix release. These roles are still under development. Communication to industry will be issued once they go
What does this mean for me?
Cardholders / Employer Administrators
1. If you or your employee already hold a Network version of the Lineworker Traction or Distribution Overhead Role(s) for one or more networks:
I. You will need to add one of the above equivalent National Role(s) to your RIW card.
II. You may need to obtain new competencies or complete other requirements. Please check with your employer administrator if this is the case. (Please note, once the new role has been added to a cardholders profile the
system will identify what competencies are missing from the job role)
III. Any existing certified competencies that are an exact match from your network role will automatically transfer when you have added the new National Role.
2. Keep an eye out on Network Operator communication, as the relevant Network Operator will communicate to industry when they will mandate the national equivalent Lineworker Roles and any additional required
Network Operators, Rail Infrastructure Managers and Rolling Stock Operators
1. If your organisation already has a relevant Network Role(s) for Lineworker:
I. You will need to alter the Business Rules in RIW as some requirements will move from your existing Network Role to the new National Role.
II. You will need to review your requirements to determine if a domain specific Lineworker role is required to capture any local requirements.
III. You will need to communicate a date to relevant employees and contractors for when the new role requirements for your network come into effect.
IV. You can begin adding the new National Roles to your employees RIW cards.
If your organisation requires assistance or would like to deploy Lineworker role requirements, please get in touch with
If your organisation does not yet use RIW, you can go to to find out more information on how RIW can help you manage workforce competency.
Steps for the National Rail Industry Worker Matrix Committee (NRIWMC) and its Matrix Working Group:
Based on industry needs, in no particular order, the following activities are planned:
- Release the second version of the National Power & Electrical Matrix to include the Substation roles.
- Finalise the National Signalling Matrix, Engineering Matrix & Project Management Matrix and communicate release dates to industry.
- Begin consultation with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and develop the next 4 national matrices for industry benefit:
- National Train Driver Matrix
- National Track Protection Matrix
- National Rollingstock Maintenance Matrix
- National Telecommunications Matrix
Need more info?
If you require assistance with general RIW enquiries, using the RIW System or card-related issues, then the RIW Service Desk can help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Please get in touch with the RIW Support Team on
1300 101 682