If your company wasn’t previously registered in the RIW program, you will need to do this first.
Complete the application form at https://app.riw.net.au/SkillSafe/CompanyRegistration. You will require a valid ABN to register with the online form, and you must provide company details including the details for a primary contact. You must also specify the size of your company, that is, how many employees you will manage as rail industry workers. This information will be used to calculate your payment tier.
After the company registration has been received, the RIW Service Desk will process and approve the registration. An email will be sent to the primary contact which will contain a link to set up the account.
NOTE: If your company does not have a valid ABN (ie. the company resides in a country other than Australia), please contact the RIW Service Desk on 1300 101 682, as your company will need to be manually set up in the RIW system.