System Access Rules

RIW System Access Rules for Medical Providers

The Rail Industry Worker (RIW) Program provides an online competency and safety management system for Australian rail workers and operators (RIW System).  The RIW System is owned and endorsed by the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and operated by Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd (MTA).

These Rules set out terms and conditions that apply to use of the RIW System by:

  1. Authorised Health Professionals (AHPs); and
  2. Rail transport operators and other organisations that are authorised participants in the RIW Program (RIW Participants) who hold an AHP user permission to access the RIW System,

(collectively Medical Provider Users). 

Medical Provider Users are granted access to the RIW System for the purpose of accessing or uploading rail safety worker health assessments and drug and alcohol assessments about RIWs in the RIW System to demonstrate fitness for work as required by the RIW Program and the National Transport’s Commission National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers – 2017 edition or any replacement edition (Standard) (Permitted Purpose).

Medical Provider Users and RIW Participants must comply with these Rules, including to protect information stored on the RIW System (RIW Information).  Medical Provider Users and RIW Participants will be responsible for ensuring that each user who accesses the RIW System on their behalf complies with these Rules.  Without limitation such Medical Provider Users and RIW Participants must:

  1. Implement, practices, procedures and systems to ensure that their authorised users comply with these Rules (including by revoking access to the RIW System in the event of a breach);
  2. Regularly monitor and assess privacy and security measures in place regarding access to and use of the RIW System by their authorised users; and
  3. On at least an annual basis, audit compliance with these Rules by their authorised users.

All actions taken by users of the RIW System are logged and will be subject to audit to ensure compliance with these Rules and other terms and conditions that apply to the RIW Program.  In addition, Medical Provider Users who upload health assessments to the RIW System are subject to audit by the Chief Medical Officer of the relevant rail transport operator (Chief Medical Officer), MTA and the RIW Service Desk for quality assurance.

By accessing, logging on to or using the RIW System you agree to be bound by the terms set out below. If you do not agree to these terms, please log out of the RIW System immediately.

You must:

Security of the RIW System

  1. Keep your user login and password confidential and not share your user login or password with any other person (you will be responsible for any action on the RIW System using your login); [1]
  2. Not use the user login and password of another user;
  3. Ensure your user profile includes your full name and a specific email address for reporting purposes, rather than a generic name or email address (e.g. AHP Admin1);
  4. Ensure the physical security of the devices you use to access the RIW System at all times, especially if you are using a laptop or other portable device;
  5. If any device you use to access the RIW System is affected by any network or security concerns, including suspected virus activity or any network security bypass, disconnect that device from the RIW System until the issue is resolved;

Confidentiality and use of RIW Information

  1. Use appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect RIW Information against misuse, interference and loss and against unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure;
  2. Keep all RIW Information confidential at all times and not use RIW Information for any other purpose other than the Permitted Purpose or as required by any laws or regulations;
  3. Not copy, remove, store, use, or disclose RIW Information outside the RIW System, except for the Permitted Purpose or as required by any laws or regulations;

Information Quality

  1. Take reasonable steps to ensure that any information you enter or upload to the RIW System is accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and is not false or misleading;
  2. Not intentionally or recklessly enter or upload new RIW Information that is, or alter or delete existing RIW Information so that it becomes, inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date, irrelevant, false, or misleading;
  3. Promptly notify the RIW Service Desk if you become aware that any information in the RIW System is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date, irrelevant, false or misleading;

Rail Safety Worker Health Assessment and Drug & Alcohol Assessment Requirements

  1. Comply with the Standard and ensure that all rail safety worker health assessments and drug and alcohol assessments for RIWs are conducted in accordance with the Standard;
  2. Advise the RIW prior to undertaking the rail safety worker health assessment or drug and alcohol assessment that the assessment reports will be uploaded to the RIW System;
  3. Only upload rail safety worker health assessment or drug and alcohol assessment reports to the RIW System as follows:
    1. If you are an AHP, assessments that you have issued in your capacity as an AHP; or
    2. If you are a Medical Provider User who is not an AHP, assessments for your RIW Participant’s Primary and Associated Employees;  
  4. Comply with all instructions and complete all mandatory information identified in the RIW System for the purposes of entering a new rail safety worker health assessment or drug and alcohol assessment;
  5. Comply with the Health Assessment Business Rules (which can be found here) for rail safety worker health assessments and ensure that the evidence complies with the requirements set out in the Standard for the health assessment for the relevant worker category that has been requested;
  6. In completing the electronic National Fit Slip for a Health Assessment Report, ensure that:
    1. The date of the rail safety worker health assessment examination is listed as the assessment date in the RIW System;  
    2. The expiry date of the rail safety worker health assessment is in accordance with the assessment requirements for the relevant work category set out in the Standard (with the exception of the category 4 workers, the RIW System will automatically calculate the assessment expiry date based on the RIW’s date of birth and the assessment examination date entered (as defined here)); and
    3. The worker category selected reflects the rail safety worker health assessment that you have performed;
  7. Ensure that all relevant documents related to the rail safety worker health assessment are uploaded to the RIW System, including that the assessment anddrug and alcohol test results are uploaded in the respective areas on the RIW System;[2]  
  8. Ensure that the rail safety worker health assessment report is kept confidential and released only as required to the RIW, the RIW’s supervisor and the rail transport operator’s AHP, unless you have obtained the specific written consent of the RIW to disclose the report to any other person;
  9. Ensure that no medical information is recorded on the National Fit Slip for a Health Assessment Report apart from the drug and alcohol test result;
  10. If it is appropriate to specify one or more Work Restrictions, ensure that you tick the relevant checkbox(es) (if Must Be Accompanied is ticked, you will be prompted “Have you discussed with your CMO?”, which is a prompt for you to contact the Chief Medical Officer to discuss if any notes are required to be included with the Work Restriction);[3]
  11. Only complete an RIW service request ‘AHP Request to Delete Medical File’, if a rail safety worker health assessment has been uploaded in error;
  12. Not complete an RIW service request ‘AHP Request to Delete Medical File’ at the request of an RIW or RIW Participant unless the request is to deal with a rail safety worker health assessment that has been uploaded in error;
  13. Complete all rail safety worker health assessments on the National Fit Slip for a Health Assessment Report and Triggered Health Assessment which can be found here (this form replaces Part B of the Request and Report Form (Fit Slip), which was returned to the rail transport operator);

Compliance management

  1. Promptly notify the RIW Service Desk of any breach or suspected breach of these terms or if you become aware of or suspect any data breach or unauthorised disclosure or access in respect of any RIW Information and provide all reasonable information, updates and assistance to assist the RIW Service Desk and MTA in respect of investigating, assessing, reporting and remediating the incident;
  2. Comply with any additional instruction or direction given by MTA in relation to your access to or use of the RIW System, including to ensure that action items arising from audits conducted by the Chief Medical Officer, MTA or RIW Service Desk are completed and closed by the due date;
  3. If you are an AHP, not perform any other services in connection with the RIW Program other than undertaking and uploading rail safety worker health assessments and drug and alcohol assessments for RIWs (for example, you must not use the RIW System for offering services such as completing identification checks for RIWs or ordering RIW cards for RIWs);
  4. Indemnify MTA for any costs and expenses incurred by MTA in investigating and remedying any breach of these terms (including costs and expenses incurred by MTA in the restoration of any affected RIW Information, which for the avoidance of doubt, would include any RIW Information that has been deleted, misrepresented or falsified);

Rules Review and Amendment

  1. MTA, the ARA and Chief Medical Officers Council (CMOC) may review these terms and in the event that any changes to these terms are proposed by MTA, the ARA and CMOC, then MTA will notify all AHPs, Medical Provider Users and RIW Participants 30 days prior to the change taking effect.


I agree to these terms as a condition of my participation in the RIW Program.  I understand that MTA, the ARA or the Chief Medical Officer may suspend, block or revoke my access to the RIW System if I fail to comply with these terms.

[1] To update AHP details regarding the clinic, logins and registration please see the RIW Service Request for ‘AHP Management’ and select the relevant sub-category.

[2] The health assessment will not be valid until the relevant documents have been uploaded in the RIW System.  Until then, any previous health assessment will apply when determining the RIW’s competency or role validity.

[3] The list of Work Restrictions can be updated after submission if required by contacting the RIW Service Desk on