
Metro Trains Melbourne: New way of working – Simplifying Track Protection




Safety is critical to everything we do at Metro Trains.  The New Ways of Working – Simplifying Track Protection Program has been designed to improve the application of safety for track workers and their teams.  Two key areas of focus for the program have been the development of new Track Protection Manuals to replace the many complex and conflicting procedures we have, and updating the Work on Track App, which provides more guidance and tools for applying track protection.


To assist with the rollout of the new Track Protection Manuals we will be providing Track Force Protection Coordinators (TFPCs) with an initial 30 minute online awareness module, followed by a full day of interactive face to face training. This will ensure all of our TFPCs understand the changes and are confident to use the new manuals and the updated Work on Track App.


The Work on Track App has had a number of changes, many of which were suggested improvements received by existing users of version one of the application, which provides improved functionality and flexibility to plan and implement the track protection.


Online awareness package

The online awareness package will be available from Monday 19th July via The Platform, our Learning Management System.  The awareness package will take up to 30 minutes to complete and will provide background on the changes in preparation for the full day/night face to face training.


Face to face training

Bookings for the interactive face to face training be open from the 15th July, with the training program commencing on Sunday 8 August.  There will be training available five days and four nights per week, with the last training session taking place on the day shift on Friday 29 October. 


The majority of face to face training will take place at Caulfield Depot in groups of up to 16 people.  Please be aware that all TFPCs must attend the face to face interactive training day/night and it is up to the business and external contractor groups to ensure their TFPCs are registered to attend and complete the training. Failure to do so will result in their qualifications being suspended from 31st October.


Next steps

Over the coming weeks you will receive more information on how to book in for the face to face mandatory training.


The project team are looking forward to seeing the positive impact this program of work to ensure that everyone on track is protected every time and no one will be placed in a position where they or their teams have the potential to be hurt.


If you have any questions please email them to RailSafety-Improvement@metrotrains.com.au.  



Rail Safety Improvement Team

Metro Trains Melbourne