The change is about the issue, receival and recording of a Signalmans Caution Order. The information will now be contained in TA20, Section 4 – Defective Fixed Signals Rule 3, e, f and g Trailing Points: Defective Home Signal at ‘Stop’. Inclusive of change to the Signalmans Caution Order form 2377.
Rail Safety Workers, as described below, who operate or undertake work on the ARTC Victorian Network under the TA20 ARTC Code of Practice for the Victorian Main Line Operations must complete a one-hour briefing on the changes before their introduction. It is necessary to complete the briefing to maintain your competency and remain valid on RIW.
Who will be impacted?
Rail Safety Workers who are competent to perform the following roles are required to undertake the briefing:
- Network Controllers
- Rail Traffic Crews (Drivers)
- ARTC – Safeworking Level 1 – Victoria (RIW role holders)
- ARTC – Track Vehicle Operator – Victoria (RIW role holders) (Excluding Road Rail Vehicle Operators)
What method of briefing will be required for my role?
- Impacted Network Controllers will receive the briefing through their respective Network Control Trainers.
- Rail Traffic Crews (Drivers) must undertake briefing through their respective organisation.
- ARTC – Safeworking Level 1 – Victoria and ARTC – Track Vehicle Operator – Victoria (Excluding Road Rail Vehicle Operators) must complete an online briefing session through RIW E-Learning.
The ‘Signalmans Caution Order Rule Change Briefing VIC only 2022’ competency will be set up in RIW to capture recipients as having undertaken the briefing session, which will link to the applicable job role.
Importantly, the online briefing is only available for and only applies to the below Victorian role holders that undertake these roles on the ARTC Network:
- ARTC – Safeworking Level 1 – Victoria
- ARTC – Track Vehicle Operator – Victoria (Excluding Road Rail Vehicle Operators)
It is mandatory to complete this online briefing before the due date, or your job role will become invalid.
The target date for completion of the briefing and upload to RIW is 03 July 2022.
How to complete E-Learning training
How does a company send an E-Learning request to a cardholder contains instructional information on how a RIW Employer Admin can enrol the RIW cardholder into this course.
How does a cardholder login to an E-Learning course contains instructional information on how a RIW cardholder can complete this course once they are enrolled.
Once the RIW cardholder has completed the E-Learning briefing, the certificate will be automatically added to their RIW profile upon completing the course.
Note: Rail Safety Workers who do not complete the briefing session by 03 July 2022 will not be permitted to operate or work on the ARTC Victorian Network.
More information?
Queries regarding this change can be directed to ARTC Rules Officer Neil Todd at