RIW News: Find out more on Community of Practice, reasons for rejected ID checks and welcome to SLRA
February 2023
Community of Practice webinars: what are they and how do I register?
Our Community of Practice webinars provide the opportunity for attendees gain a better understanding of the key features and functions of the Rail Industry Worker System.
An opportunity to ask relevant questions is offered during each webinar through a live chat function and interactive Q&A, where a representative from RIW can answer any questions on the respective topic.
You can register in advance for our upcoming webinars via the Community of Practice webpage. All past webinars are conveniently recorded and uploaded to the same page in case you missed out
Minor spelling or spacing discrepancies between the RIW System and the verification document will trigger a rejected ID check. What is entered in the RIW System must match the spacing and spelling of identity verification documents.
Using preferred names that do not match the official name on the verification document submitted will cause a rejected ID check because of the person’s name and official document name do not match.
Hyphenated names that are inconsistent across ID document and what is entered in the RIW System will cause a rejected ID check. ID matches are rejected in this case as the name cannot be verified as a correct match.
Last month we welcomed our largest infrastructure project participant in Victoria, Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SLRA). We look forward to supporting SLRA to manage rail industry worker competencies and safety requirements to deliver some exciting projects.
SLRA is responsible for planning and delivering Suburban Rail Loop (SLR), Victoria’s biggest investment in transport and precinct development. Generating a range of economic, social and environmental benefits, this pipeline of work and stimulus supports up to 24,000 jobs across the state.