We all use physical smartcards every day, for example credit cards, access control cards, and the Rail Industry Worker card. One of the features of the new RIW Program is that cardholders can now be issued a digital version of the RIW card, which can be stored on their smartphone and used immediately.
The virtual RIW card can be scanned/swiped in the same way as the physical RIW card, enabling Access Controllers and Spot Checkers to verify job roles, competencies and any associated work restrictions prior to granting access to a worksite. They can also view the shift history of a Rail Industry Worker to confirm fitness for duty.
When a worker uses their virtual RIW card on site, the QR code refreshes after being swiped. When not being used, the QR code automatically refreshes every 30 seconds, ensuring the integrity and security of the cardholder’s details.