Rail Industry Worker News #37
Changing the way RIW communicates with cardholders As part of the RIW System Release, we have an exciting new development in the way RIW communicates with cardholders.
The new Messaging feature will allow Network Operators and Premium Functionality Employers (Contractors in Charge) to send secure, multimedia rich, interactive messages direct to cardholders through the Vircarda App, the virtual wallet that stores a virtual RIW card. The feature also allows for RIW System notifications, such as competency, medical and subscription expiries to also be sent direct to a cardholders Vircarda.
The primary purpose of messaging is to alert cardholders to matters of their own protection and safety. The audience can be selected based on relationship, job role or competency or swipe activity at site. As a practical example, if a cardholder swiped into a site which was deemed as a potential COVID exposure site, the Contractor in Charge could message all cardholders swiped into that site to alert them of the potential exposure.
The message could include hyperlinks to book in a COVID test, or provide guidance on social distancing. The message sender could also generate a report on who noted the message or requested to be contacted. Virtual card uptake amongst RIW cardholders is already quite high (about two thirds of the active cardholder population), however, to ensure this becomes a consistent channel for messaging, we’d like to request that all Employers ensure cardholders have a virtual card issued and loaded. Employer Administrators can monitor this by running the Virtual Card Update Report.
Once you have determined who does or does not have a virtual RIW card, follow our instructions on how to order a physical or virtual RIW card (or alternatively, re-issue a virtual card). And if a cardholder needs help, please direct them to our article how does a cardholder install Vircarda to manage their virtual RIW card.
From 9 April 2021, communication preferences for receiving messages and system notifications can also be toggled on and off by Employer Administrators and cardholders. allowing them to choose what type of messages they receive and how; Email, Vircarda or both.
Network Operators and Premium Functionality Employers can read more about the Messaging feature in our Messaging RIW Knowledge Centre. REMINDER RIW System Update Scheduled Service Interruption START END Thursday 8 April 2021, 10:00 AEST Thursday 8 April 2021, 22:00 AEST How can you find out more? If you would like to have a full walkthrough of the upcoming changes, please view or register to attend one of our April 2021 RIW System Update Sessions, which will feature a live presentation, followed by a Q&A session at the end. Click on the below links to view or register:
A full list of all the changes are available on the RIW Systems Update page, which also includes links to the relevant RIW Knowledge Centre articles that have been updated with the upcoming changes. |