Extension of TfNSW job roles due to COVID-19 for RIW cardholders
Extension of TfNSW job roles due to COVID-19 In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, TfNSW has decided to suspend some face-to-face training to protect the health and well-being of staff as part of their COVID-19 precautions and response. As such they have authorised the Rail Industry Worker Program to extend the expiry dates of the following TfNSW job roles to 31 March 2021 for any cardholder who currently holds:
However, as a result of doing this, cardholders may notice the following when they check competency records on their myRIW profile: The competency linked to the expiry date for these job roles will now show as expired. However, a new temporary competency has been uploaded and the job role will remain current and valid to 31 March 2021. Cardholders can disregard the competency expiry date for these job roles while this temporary solution is in place.
When training is made available again, cardholders and employers will be notified.
Note: We are aware that there could be a potential impact on those who hold equivalent ARTC or CRN roles, but discussions are occurring with these Networks and they will provide further information in due course.
If you have any further queries regarding this, please contact TfNSW on riw@transport.nsw.gov.au. |