
An update from RIW and the Chief Medical Officers Council





Welcome to the first edition of the Authorised Health Professionals newsletter, a periodic communication developed in partnership with the Chief Medical Officers Council to support AHPs registered in the Rail Industry Worker Program.


Update on the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers


All health assessments of rail safety workers in Australia are conducted in line with the  third edition (2017) of the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers. The National Transport Commission will commence a review of this edition in 2022, with the fourth edition expected to be published in early 2023.


All existing AHPs who undertook training or re-training in the third edition will continue to remain authorised until the new National Standard is published. It is not necessary to attend retraining in this edition, even if your current certificate expires prior to 2023.


It is envisaged that retraining sessions will be scheduled in early 2023 in conjunction with the release of the fourth edition. Further details of retraining sessions will be made available closer to the date.


Providing assurance that the National Standard is adopted


The Chief Medical Officers Council (CMOC) undertake audits to provide both the Council and Network Operators with the assurance that the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers has been applied by participating Authorised Health Professionals (AHPs). 


Audits are completed by the Chief Medical Officer for the respective Network where the AHP is providing health assessment services. Audits are conducted as follows:

  • Routine / planned;
  • Triggered (for example, due to performance concerns); or
  • Random, as part of a quality control process.

Note: Where an AHP disputes the findings of an audit, a panel of two external Chief Medical Officers will undertake a review of the audit.



Introduction of new National Fit Slips (Part B)


A review was recently completed into the various fit slips used across the country, the challenges these presented to AHP’s and the inconsistent quality of data gathered by the RIW Service Desk. The outcome was that industry would benefit from a national, harmonised approach to improve the medical outcome.


As a result, two new forms have been introduced for use with the RIW Program. Both forms are available online at the below links:

While both forms have had some improvements, the new Triggered Health Assessment Report now includes the important field to capture the last periodic medical. This date is critical in setting the correct medical assessment expiry in the RIW System.


Note: The RIW Service Desk has been instructed to continue to accept old fits slips for a period of 3 months (until 31 August 2021), after which time all rail safety medicals must be completed on either of the above forms. These forms only replace the Part B. TfNSW will continue to use separate forms for their employees.



AHP Registration Update


The Authorised Health Professional registration process has recently been updated to better support industry.  These improvements include:

  • National AHP Training Calendar is now available on the RIW website, including booking instructions and contact details for the respective Chief Medical Officer trainer.
  • The AHP assessment is now conducted online via E-Learning on the RIW System.
  • The Terms of Reference has now been replaced by an electronic acceptance built into the AHP E-Learning Assessment, which forms part of an AHP registration.




We are here to help


To support AHPs we have developed an Authorised Health Professional Knowledge Centre which contains videos and instructions about how to use the RIW System for medical and drug & alcohol assessments.


If you can’t find the answer to your question from our Knowledge Centre, the RIW Service Desk is always there to help. You can contact them on 1300 101 682 or


Are your details up to date?

The AHP Master List on the RIW website provides industry with a search facility to locate an Authorised Health Professional (AHP).  If your details aren’t up to date, please fill in the AHP Registration/Login/Delete/Update Details Service Request to let us know of any amendments.