
Update regarding SWIRC training









This message is for students enrolled in Safely Work in the Rail Corridor (SWIRC).


As a result of the latest COVID outbreak, the Rail Academy Newport (RAN) is closed pending further government updates. This means that the SWIRC program is suspended until the RAN reopens.


Understanding this has a direct impact on Rail Safety Workers that work on projects, the following measures have been put in place:

  • All impacted students will automatically have their booking re-scheduled four weeks into the future. This will continue until the lockdown has been lifted. i.e. if your booking was Tuesday 1 June 2021 it will be moved to Tuesday 29 June 2021.
  • When this happens, you will receive an email notification of the new date.
  • Your Primary Employer will need to load the new booking confirmation to your RIW profile.


1.     Upload the booking confirmation evidence under Network-Based Competencies to code 90090 "MTM – SWIRC Course Booking Confirmation".

2.     Await verification by the RIW Service Desk (this can take up to two business days).

3.     You will be able to work once the competency has been verified.


We appreciate your patience during this difficult time.


For further queries, please contact Metro Academy direct on Metroacademy@metrotrains.com.au