
27 July 2020

Changes to V/Line Track and Civil roles

Currency now included in roles.

V/Line have updated their Track and Civil Matrix which can be found here.  The new matrix has simplified track and civil roles as currency is now included in the role rather than being captured separately. This change makes roles clearer for Rail Industry Workers and company administrators. Changes will be implemented effective as of Thursday 30 July 2020.  There will no impact to RIWs who already meet V/Line’s current track and civil role requirements, as the RIW system will recognise existing currency and competencies. RIWs who do not currently hold currency, will not hold the valid role and will be required to submit evidence of currency to meet role requirements.

New Role

V/Line have now added the role V/Line – Traffic Controller. This role will be required for any contractor working on / about the V/Line network in the capacity of a Traffic Controller.

The role will be required to be held as well as the other minimum roles required to work on the V/Line Network (V/Line – Operator & Around The Track Personnel – Construction/Maintenance roles).

Roles Retiring

V/Line have removed some work-roles from the Track and Civil Matrix. These roles will be retired from the RIW System on the 31 August 2020. If your work-role no longer exists in on the new V/Line Track and Civil Matrix, then select the equivalent role on the ARA’s National Track and Civil Matrix which can be found here.

Please note; Track Examiner has been removed entirely as this is an internal V/Line role only. (e.g. track patroller)

Safeworking, Signalling, Plant and Trade R

V/Line Safeworking and Signalling roles have not changed, and the matrix is available here.

V/Line does not maintain Plant or Trade role matrices. For Plant and Trade roles please refer to the ARA’s National Plant and National Trade Matrices here.

For more information please visit the V/Line website.