Changes to V/Line Signalling Job Roles
Changes to V/Line Signalling Job Roles
This email is to inform RIW cardholders and Employer Administrators that V/Line will be retiring some job roles in the signalling discipline. This change will also involve the creation of a new job role.
Changes will be implemented effective Wednesday 9 December 2020. The following job roles will be made inactive from Wednesday 9 December 2020, which means these roles will no longer be available on a cardholders RIW profile.
Job role created The following job role has been created to replace these retired job roles, and can be added to cardholders profiles immediately.
Employer Administrators can follow our instructions for adding a new job role to a cardholders profile to add this new role if required.
To meet the requirements of the new job role, cardholders will need to provide evidence for the following competencies:
Note: clicking on the hyperlinks above will take you to the relevant business rule which outlines the minimum acceptance criteria for the verification of these competencies.
For any queries regarding this change, please contact
Click here if you no longer wish to be contacted by the RIW Program by email. This email has been sent by Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd (MTA) on behalf of the ARA. Level 16, 700 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008. ABN: 88614061960 |